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Samuel Wiggins - Zen Phony

Howdy! Welcome, and thanks so much for taking a look at some of my work. I'm passionate about the characters I draw and sculpt and try to put some personality in each one.

My focuses come from the things I like looking at, talking about, and studying-- so I try to do them justice. When working on different art forms, from video game design to traditional painting I try to change my mindset, with that in mind, here are a few of those mindsets I try to slip into for different works.


A playful attitude is important, thinking back to the commercials from the 90s for funky monsters or antiheroes that were almost too cute to take seriously.


Comics are an art form to be respected-- Usually approached with a message in mind, comics are a world builder's paradise and should be filled to the brim.



Formal, but not to be taken too seriously. My background is in Drawing and Painting, with a focus on a cottage/industrial relationship. I find notes to myself and others to be the best way to communicate ideas here.


My Illustrative work is always about being direct. I like to maintain some playful style points and focus on cartoons but I'm certainly not afraid to explore.

Game Design:

This has been a fairly new venture-- but in my mind, Games are the merger of toys and comics because you can play AND get a message across.





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